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Massimo Soriani Bellavista


He is the founder and CEO of two companies: ‘Creattività Srl.’ that deals with creativity and innovation, and ‘Fattore Sette srl’ a multimedia and e-learning specialized company.

He has a degree in work-industrial psychology. For the past 24 years he has been focusing on providing training in the fields of creativity, learning, communication and training management. He has taught for 11 years at the University SUPSI in Switzerland. He collaborate with Edward de Bono’s since 1996; He is the inventor and developer of the ‘MarkeThink’ meta-model.

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Video Youniversity

Per costruire bisogna prima rompere... gli schemi | Massimo Soriani Bellavista | TEDxMontebelluna

Massimo Soriani Bellavista ci porta in un viaggio nel pensiero laterale e ci darà degli stimoli su come canalizzare le buone idee attraverso la rete e trasformarle in progetti creativi. Massimo Soriani Bellavista collabora da vent’anni con Edward De Bono, l’inventore del pensiero laterale.
Altro in questa categoria: « Edward de Bono